Take part

The natural world is our legacy. Every day, action is underway to restore, enhance and protect our unique biodiversity in Taranaki. Be part of making biodiversity thrive in the region.

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Our vision

Taranaki biodiversity is restored to a state where it is visibly healthy and provides significant benefit to communities throughout the region.

Tō tātou taiao – Maranga Papatūānuku is our collective commitment to reach a state where Papatūānuku begins to flourish and rise.

Find out more

Ways to help

We can’t do it alone. We need your help. Any money you donate will go directly to supporting Taranaki projects restoring and protecting biodiversity. You get to choose where it goes to. And if you can’t help out with cash, you can help in other ways. We’d love your help.


Our members

Wild for Taranaki has more than 45 member groups belonging to it. Our members are a hugely diverse bunch, from small grass-roots restoration groups to larger, more formal organisations. Check out our membership list and consider joining to become part of a large network with regular news and access to events and workshops.

See full membership list

Connecting Taranaki

We’ve created this map to highlight what’s going on, and where, with our member groups. Most are based within Taranaki working on environmental projects such as replanting, trapping and reintroducing species or supporting biodiversity efforts as part of what they do. Some are national or research-focused organisations, connecting with us on shared areas of interest.

Our stories

Here, we showcase stories on conservation projects, biodiversity champions and interesting things happening in the sector. If you have a cool story to share get in touch with us on contact@wildfortaranaki.nz

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